Safety Control Devices
One and two hand control devices.
One Safeball™ can be used as an ergonomic “hold to run” button, i.e. the movement is allowed as long as both push buttons on Safeball™ are pressed, usually when the operator cannot reach the hazardous area with his/her free hand, or on less dangerous machines. SafeballTM is a very practical one-hand control device since it is very easy to locate and activate.
A two-hand control device is often used for machines with manual loading or unloading. The operator uses the two-hand control device to safely start a machine cycle. A two-hand control must be used with a safety control device that makes sure that both buttons are pressed simultaneously, i.e. both hands are on the control and therefore outside the dangerous zone, in order to start the dangerous movement. Using two SafeballTM, it is easy to realize a custom two-hand device.